My Background

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Dear.....whoever is reading this thing,

Oh gosh. I haven't blogged in years. LITERALLY. Even as I write this I'm hesitant to put down anything of substance.

Writing can be a very vulnerable thing.

I don't know exactly what I want to take out of this, or what I expect others to take out of it. There's a part of me that really fears rejection when someone gets to know who I really am. That's typically when I pull away and get really awkward around people. I'm just a freak like that! So this is a hard thing for me. I have vulnerphobia.

I guess I don't know that I have anything to say that may be relevant because I'm not following the typical social norms of a 23 year old living in Utah. Namely, I'm not married and have absolutely zero plans to be married any time soon. (NOTE: I wouldn't MIND getting married soon, but that's like a completely different topic that I try to ignore on a daily basis.)

So my life consists of school. friends. work. family. repeat.

But I feel like that should be something that is relevant and important for someone in my "situation." (I sound like an old maid in a Jane Austen novel. Geez. I need to get out more.)

Anyway, this virtual space is my attempt to be adventurous. To try and live outside of what social pressure dictates. To rant about any darn thing that comes to mind (like Taylor Swift. I have a lot to say about Taylor Swift) and to document my beautiful, beautiful life.

Because YES. I AM single. YES. I'm kinda a feminist (stop judging me! You know who you are). And YES.  There are some things that just need to be said.

So, I'm making lemonade.



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